Strategic Support Partner

Teacher / Class Support

  • Setting Up Classroom Register
  • Dismissal Out of school services 
  • Standard School Activities / Bespoke Rehabilitative Provisions Initiating The Service 

The mentor will observe in class for two weeks. Once the observation process is complete, discussions are held with senco/parents/guardian/ regarding creative provision options. A road map is agreed upon by all parties regarding provision aims etc. The provision will be carried out for a duration of one month. After a completed month of provision, meetings are held to ascertain improvements in the child's behaviour. After the test month period has been completed, discussions are held regarding extension of service with agreed dates and targets. 

How the service blends into standard school day

The mentor meets with senco lead then arrives arrive in class before the designated child. The mentor attends playtime and lunchtime regarding supervision. The mentor produces weekly reports, that are collated and then used for end of service meet.

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